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QueeLim Ch'ng

Dr QueeLim Ch'ng Phd

Reader in Systems Biology and Neuroscience

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My interdisciplinary research combines experimental genetics with big data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to understand how the nervous system links between environment and physiology. We have focused on how the gene networks in the nervous system can modulate animal lifespan in response to food and other environmental cues. I am also involved in the management and administration of the London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme, which is the largest Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research-funded PhD programme in the UK with active participation from a consortium of London universities and industry partners. My teaching spans all years of the Molecular Genetics BSc programme, as well as at MSc and PhD levels.

Please see my Research Staff Profile for more detail

Find out more about my research:

QeeLim Ch'ng



BBSRC Pioneer Award funds research into the impact of allele-biased gene expression on animal physiology

Professor Hindges, Professor Houart, and Dr Ch’ng at the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology will establish a novel zebrafish model to study the...



BBSRC Pioneer Award funds research into the impact of allele-biased gene expression on animal physiology

Professor Hindges, Professor Houart, and Dr Ch’ng at the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology will establish a novel zebrafish model to study the...
