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Radostina Schivatcheva

Dr Radostina Schivatcheva

Lecturer in International Political Economy


Tina is a lecturer in International Political Economy. She researches the political economy of international trade, exploring the new generation of deep and comprehensive free trade agreements and especially EU-USA trade relations. Her scholarly interests also focus on development studies and the role of science and technological innovation for catching-up development of peripheral economies from an enjoined perspective of PERI and Science and Technology 

Studies (STS). Her studies of knowledge-based industries/key enabling technologies (KET) have focused on Information technology and biotechnology.

Tina holds a PhD in Political Economy from Kings College London. She is a graduate of the Enterprise Tech program of the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge and holds a Masters in International Relations also from the University of Cambridge. Her undergraduate studies focused on Political Science and Philosophy at the University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Tina’s employment history includes contributions to the International Inequalities Institute, LSE and the EURECA project (EU Resource Efficiency Coordination Action), a European Commission funded project of the H2020 programme. She also held a Manfred Heindler Research Grant residential fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology Studies, Graz, Austria (2017), researching the European socio-technical transition to a circular low-carbon economy. In the period 2015-2016 she held DAAD grants from the University Alliance for Sustainability (UAS) in affiliation with the Saint Petersburg State University in Russia.

Currently, Tina is working on a manuscript exploring debates about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) from a sustainability perspective.


Political economy;

  • Political economy of international trade – the new generation of deep and comprehensive free trade agreements, EU-US trade and economic relations, Germany in the global trade and economic order;
  • Political Economy of Research and Innovation (PERI)

European Union (EU) studies

  • EU Trade policy
  • EU Research and Innovation Policy
  • EU external and neighbourhood policy (focus on Eastern neighbourhood and Central Asia)

Development studies

  • Techno-economic catching-up policies of peripheral economies (post-Socialist states)
  • National innovation (Eco)systems


  • 5AAOB215 Italian Politics
  • 6AAOB343 Postcolonial Political Economy
  • 7AAOM021/7AAOM023 IPE and European Studies Dissertation
  • 7AAON036 European Union and Global Capitalism
  • 6AAOB333 European Gender Politics
  • 7AAON009 International Political Economy