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Richard Kouyoumdjian Inglis

Richard Kouyoumdjian Inglis

War Studies Online alumnus

  • CEO of Empresas Indumotora, banker, and former Chilean naval officer


When I wanted to study an MA degree on contemporary war online there was one choice that stood out: War Studies Online’s ‘War in the Modern World´ at King’s College London. Its world-class academic staff and years of successful delivery sold it for me.

The degree proved even better than expected. All modules were interesting and challenging and the knowledgeable teaching staff were always on hand to answer students’ questions and help when needed. For me it was better than attending the classroom. The highly engaged level of interaction with other students from around the world and being able to write your dissertation on a topic of your choice with hands-on direction by the tutor, are highlights. – War Studies Online graduate

A whole new world of opportunity came my way as a direct result of graduating with my degree from War Studies Online. My dissertation was published in the prestigious Corbett Papers series, via the Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy Studies, based at King’s. Senior figures in the defence and naval establishment in Chile took note and with this backing I was able to gain funding from the Hoover and Heritage institutes in the USA with support from the IISS and RUSI think tanks in the UK to cofound a new think tank in Chile, AthenaLab. Our purview is defence and foreign policy. We have organised seminars on defence policy and modernisation of the defence management, and on China and the Pacific coast south American countries.