Richard joined the Department of Political Economy in October 2023. He previously worked for the UK Labour Party and as an environmental campaigner. His history of British politics and culture in the 1990s, The Future That Never Happened, was published in 2017. He is a regular political commentator on radio, on television and in print.
Office hours
Tuesday: 11.15 - 12:15
Bush House (NE), room 7.21
You can book a slot in advance (or just drop in)
Research interests
- Climate and energy politics
- New Labour
- Recent British political history
Doctoral research
An oral history of New Labour’s climate and sustainable energy policymaking.
PhD supervisors
Dr Michael Kandiah and Professor Sarah Birch
Latest publications
Power-Sayeed, R. (2017) “1997: The Future that Never Happened” Zed. https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/1997-9781786991980/
Power-Sayeed, R. (2021) “Ideas are only half the story” in Renewal, Volume 29 Number 4. https://journals.lwbooks.co.uk/renewal/vol-29-issue-4/abstract-9464/

Environment and Public Policy
The Environment and Public Policy Group

Centre for British Democracy
The Centre for British Democracy is interested in the study of government and politics in the United Kingdom from an historical, political science, political theory and constitutional perspective.

Critical Global Capitalism Studies Collective
A collective bringing critical global capitalism research, teaching and activism at King's together under one umbrella to provide a forum for collaborations, events, and discussions, and to forge connections with the media, the policy world, and other like-minded groups.
Students offered insight into parliamentary life on Westminster visit
A group of undergraduate students from King’s were given unique insight into the workings of the Houses of Parliament during a tour this week.

Election 2024: King's experts in the headlines
Academics from the School of Politics and Economics have been offering their insights ahead of the 2024 general election in the UK.


Environment and Public Policy
The Environment and Public Policy Group

Centre for British Democracy
The Centre for British Democracy is interested in the study of government and politics in the United Kingdom from an historical, political science, political theory and constitutional perspective.

Critical Global Capitalism Studies Collective
A collective bringing critical global capitalism research, teaching and activism at King's together under one umbrella to provide a forum for collaborations, events, and discussions, and to forge connections with the media, the policy world, and other like-minded groups.
Students offered insight into parliamentary life on Westminster visit
A group of undergraduate students from King’s were given unique insight into the workings of the Houses of Parliament during a tour this week.

Election 2024: King's experts in the headlines
Academics from the School of Politics and Economics have been offering their insights ahead of the 2024 general election in the UK.