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Jon Robb-Webb

Dr Jon Robb-Webb

Lecturer in Defence Studies Education

Research interests

  • Conflict
  • History
  • Security


Dr Jon Robb-Webb is Lecturer in Defence Studies Education at the Defence Studies Department since September 2000. He previously taught at the JSCSC during the academic year 1998/99, which included an appointment at RAF Henlow teaching and lecturing to the RAF Junior Division. Prior to this Jon taught on the BA and MA War Studies programmes at King's College London. Jon obtained a first degree in Politics and International Relations and a Post Graduate Certificate of Education from the University of East Anglia. He taught in a variety of state schools before taking the MA in War Studies and completing a PhD, both at King's. He has worked for the RN's Defence Studies and lectured to both the MoD and the Royal United Services Institute. From May 1996 until January 1999 he was editor of the War Studies Journal.

Research Interests

  • Maritime Strategy/Theory
  • Naval History
  • The RN in the Twentieth Century
  • The USN since 1945
  • Contemporary Maritime Security


MA special subject:

  • The US Navy 1945-2015

PhD Supervision

Dr Robb-Webb is happy to supervise PhD students in the following subject areas:

  • Naval History [Royal Navy/ United States Navy/ Twentieth Century]
  • Maritime Strategy
  • Amphibious Operations
  • Maritime Security

Dr Jon Robb-Webb PURE Profile


Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy Studies

The Corbett Centre develops and promotes the understanding and analysis of maritime policy and strategy

The Second World War Research Group

Second World War Research Group

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Sir Michael Howard Centre for the History of War

The centre promotes the scholarly history of war in all it's dimensions, trains research students and hosts research projects and conferences


Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy Studies

The Corbett Centre develops and promotes the understanding and analysis of maritime policy and strategy

The Second World War Research Group

Second World War Research Group

SMHC newlogo 780x440
Sir Michael Howard Centre for the History of War

The centre promotes the scholarly history of war in all it's dimensions, trains research students and hosts research projects and conferences