Rui Du is a postgraduate researcher in the Department of Engineering, King’s College London.
She is the Chair of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Student Branch at King’s College London.
Her research project is related to” Modelling Flux Pump-Charging of High-Temperature Superconducting Coils
Research interests
- Develop state-of-the-art numerical models of the HTS dynamo-type flux pump for charging HTS coils in practical, large-scale applications.
- Design and optimise the device for specific use as a brushless exciter for the field coils in superconducting electrical machines for electric aircraft.
Thesis title: Modelling Flux Pump-Charging of High-Temperature Superconducting Coils
Rui's project aims to develop state-of-the-art numerical models of the HTS dynamo, based on finite element analysis, to design and optimise the device for practical wireless superconducting coil charging applications. The project will also investigate coupled models of the dynamo and coil to better understand their interaction's influence and assess various performance metrics, including charging speed and efficiency. These studies are expected to deepen our understanding of the device, and its ability to energise coils, to accelerate practical deployment of this technology.
First supervisor: Dr Mark Ainslie