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Shreyasi Choudhury

Shreyasi Choudhury

PhD student


Shreyasi Choudhury is a PhD student with the Department of Geography. Her research, which is sponsored by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), focuses on the interaction of various hazards in the Himalayan region of India. Her emphasis will be on how the Bayesian network and serious games can be used for multi-hazard risk assessment.

She holds an MTech degree in Geological Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee and a BSc degree in Geology from Hans Raj College, University of Delhi.

Prior to joining King's, she worked as a natural catastrophe (NatCat) risk analyst for RMSI, India, for two and a years. There, she worked on projects led by World Bank, GFDRR, CWC and various other private non-life insurance organisations. Her profile involved vulnerability modelling, portfolio analysis, marketing, product development and proposal writing.

She is a part of Toastmasters International (Competent Leader and Competent Communicator) and a member of a theatre group and vocal classical music group.


Thesis title: 'Bayesian networks for multi-hazard risk assessment in the Himalaya as a way of improving early warnings'

Shreyasi's PhD has two strands:

  1. The design and implementation of a simple BBN for a multi-hazard problem in the Himalaya (eg earthquake → landslide → flood multi-hazard cascades). She will investigate the necessary information and the likely potential sources of information, and then set up a BBN to manage this information and produce a risk assessment. This will involve expert elicitation to design the details of the BBN and to estimate uncertainties.
  2. A meta-study involving interviews of expert participants and project members on their feelings and concerns about the use of subjective probabilistic methods in risk assessment.

PhD supervision

Further details

See Shreyasi's research profile