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Shu Huai Ren

Shu Huai Ren

PhD Student

Research interests

  • Politics

Contact details


Shuhuai Ren is currently a PhD student in the department of Political Economy. He earned a Bachelor degree(2016) and a Master degree(2018) in Political Theory from Renmin University of China. He takes a wide range of interests in Political theory, especially on leftism and theory of revolution. Currently he is focusing on Jean-Jacque Rousseau and his thoughts regarding patriotism and cosmopolitanism.


  • 17th -18th century political theory
  • Cosmopolitanism and patriotism
  • Jacobinism and French revolution
  • Leninism, Maoism and Chinese revolution


Translation(From English to Chinese): 

[美]萨拉·梅萨:法国资产阶级:一个神话,郭科,任舒怀译,杭州:浙江大学出版社,2018年 (Sarah Maza: The Myth of the French Bourgeoisie: An Essay on the Social imaginary, 1750-1850, Trans by Guo Ke, Ren Shuhuai, Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2018)

Journal Articles:

任舒怀.世界城邦为什么不可欲?——论卢梭的普世意志问题[J].政治思想史,2018,9(01):109-134+199.(Ren Shuhuai, 'Why is the world republic not desirable: On Rousseau's universal will', Journal of the History of Political Thought, vol.33, No.1, 2018: 109-134+199)


Dr Robin Douglass and Dr Paul Sagar