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Silvia Pla García

Dr Silvia Pla García

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Research interests

  • Physics


Silvia joined King’s College as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in 2022. Before King’s, she was based in Spain, where she completed her PhD at the University of Valencia. She finished her Master’s degree in Theoretical Physics at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - IFT, and her undergraduate degree at the University of Valencia. 

Thesis title

Quantum field theory under external conditions: gravitation and electrodynamics 

Research interests

  • Quantum field theory in curved spacetimes.
  • Non-perturbative effects in quantum field theory
  • Physics of the early universe

PhD supervisor

Principal supervisor: Professor Jean Alexandre


Physics telescope
Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology

The research focus of the TPPC Group is on tests of new models of particle physics beyond the Standard Model, including supersymmetry, large extra dimensions and strings.


Physics telescope
Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology

The research focus of the TPPC Group is on tests of new models of particle physics beyond the Standard Model, including supersymmetry, large extra dimensions and strings.