Dr Souci Frissa
Research Programme Coordinator
I studied Medicine and gained MSc in Public Health at Addis Ababa University. I have clinical and public health experience in Ethiopia. I joined KCL as a PhD student, working on the course and outcome of Major depression in the rural Ethiopia. I subsequently went on to coordinate a large epidemiological cohort study in South East London (SELCoH), and for two years I have been the Programme Leader for the MSc in Global Mental Health and MSc in Applied Mental Health Research programmes at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN). I am now the NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Health System Strengthening in Sub-Saharan Africa (ASSET) programme coordinator.
Start date at Kings: 4/01/2010
Role now: NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Health System Strengthening in Sub-Saharan Africa (ASSET) programme coordinator.
Past roles: MSc GMH lead, MSc Applied Mental Health Research course lead.
Research coordinator: South East London Community Health (SELCoH) study.
Qualifications: PhD in Psychiatric Epidemiology from KCL, MSc in public health from Addis Ababa University, MD from Addis Ababa University.
Research Interests
- I have Public health research interests and the enthusiasm to improve the health service delivery in low income settings.
- Inequalities in mental health and health services.
- Discrimination/unfair treatments and the consequence on health.