Talya joined the Department of Political Economy in October 2023. Her research focuses on digitalisation in the participatory budgeting process.
Talya holds a Master of Public Administration (Finance) from the University of Birmingham, MSc Public Administration from Hacettepe University and BSc Political Science and Public Administration from Hacettepe University.
Research interests
- Participatory budgeting
- Democratic innovations
- Citizen participation
- Public financial management
- Governance
Doctoral research
Talya’s research focuses on the digitalisation of the participatory budgeting process, exploring the impact of digitalisation on participation and representation. Through this research, her aim is to contribute to the evolving discourse on how digital tools can enhance democratic processes and strengthen inclusivity in participatory processes.
4AAOB103 Introduction to Politics
6SSPP373 The Political Economy of Inequality
PhD supervisors
Professor Christel Koop and Dr Barbara Piotrowska
Latest publications
Oztop, T., & Sadioğlu, U. (2024). Digital Participation and the Government-Citizen Relationship. In E. Gemici, K. E. Yıldırım, & D. N. Leblebici (Eds.), Digital Transformation in Public Administration: Theory and Practices (pp. 289–302). NOVA Science Publishers Inc. https://doi.org/10.52305/KQDB2586