I am interested in cultural work and creative labour. My research primarily explores questions on identifying who does the work of culture and creativity over whose work is valued. I joined the CMCI Department in March 2019 as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow on a European-wide research project titled ‘Developing Inclusive and Sustainable Creative Economies’ (DISCE). This was a collaborative research project which explored challenges and opportunities for local creative economies within ten European cities. My doctoral research investigated the impact of motherhood on women working in the UK's creative media industries, considering how the policy regimes linked to creative work and care placed women with children in a particularly devalued and precarious employment position.
As such, my research interests span across the cultural, structural and spatial elements of work within creative economies from everyday, grassroots forms of community based cultural engagement to large scale media conglomerates and the interconnections between them. I have a particular interest in examining questions of access and inclusion within creative labour markets from the global to the local level.
Research Interests and PhD supervision
- Cultural work and creative labour
- Employment policy, access and inclusion
- Creative education, access and inclusion
- Creative resistance, activism and change-making
- Cultural work, care and social justice.
I welcome applications for PhD topics related to any of these research interests.
Selected Publications
Dent, T. 2022, ‘Emerging forms of resistance from within the creative workforce’ in A Modern Guide to the Creative Economy. Comunian, R. (ed.), Wilson, N. (ed.), Faggian, A. (ed.) & Heinonen, J. (ed.) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Tanghetti, J., Dent, T., and Comunian, R. 2022. ‘Covid-19 opened the pandora box’ of the creative city: creative and cultural workers against precarity in Milan | Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society | Oxford Academic
Wilson, N., Gross, J., Dent, T., Comunian, R., Kim, S., Snowball, J., Friderichs, T., Rogan, M. & Chau, K. 2022. 'The Cultural Development Index: Theorisation and Implications DISCE Publications.'
Dent, T. 2020. ‘Diversity, Intersectionality and Care in the UK Screen Sector’. /encatcSCHOLARS issue 13
For more details, please see my full PURE research profile.
I teach across subjects linked to creative labour and cultural work including media production cultures, gender and creative labour, transnational cultural policy, creative industries and institutions.
Expertise and Public Engagement
I am part of the research team linked to the UK Government's All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Creative Diversity and co-wrote the research report 'Creative Majority: An APPG for Creative Diversity report on ‘What Works’ to support, encourage and improve equality, diversity and inclusion in the creative sector' published in 2021. You can access the report through this link: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/cultural/projects/creative-majority.
I have provided research consultancy for a number of industry institutions including Birds Eye View, Screen Skills (formerly Creative Skillset), Women in Film and TV, Raising Films and The Film and Television Charity. I have sat on panels linked to EDI in the creative and cultural sector at industry events across Europe.
Please email me directly for any queries linked to public engagement and collaborative research.

Centre for Digital Culture
The Centre for Digital Culture at King’s College London is an interdisciplinary research centre promoting research and debate on digital culture
New research finds access to creative Higher Education remains 'highly unequal'
At the House of Commons, King’s researchers collaborated with the APPG for Creative Diversity to launch a report analysing the effectiveness of pathways to...

Celebrating collaborative, 'messy' feminist research as a space of healing this International Women's Day 2021
CMCI Research Fellow, Dr Tamsyn Dent, celebrates feminist, community-driven research collaborations that are committed to developing a change-making agenda...


Exploring the value of creative (higher) education
A one-day conference hosted by the Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries (CMCI), King’s College London.
Please note: this event has passed.

Gender, Labour and Activism Mini-Conference
Gender, Labour and Activism Mini-Conference
Please note: this event has passed.

Centre for Digital Culture
The Centre for Digital Culture at King’s College London is an interdisciplinary research centre promoting research and debate on digital culture
New research finds access to creative Higher Education remains 'highly unequal'
At the House of Commons, King’s researchers collaborated with the APPG for Creative Diversity to launch a report analysing the effectiveness of pathways to...

Celebrating collaborative, 'messy' feminist research as a space of healing this International Women's Day 2021
CMCI Research Fellow, Dr Tamsyn Dent, celebrates feminist, community-driven research collaborations that are committed to developing a change-making agenda...


Exploring the value of creative (higher) education
A one-day conference hosted by the Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries (CMCI), King’s College London.
Please note: this event has passed.

Gender, Labour and Activism Mini-Conference
Gender, Labour and Activism Mini-Conference
Please note: this event has passed.