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Professor Thomas Jamieson-Craig MB BS (Uni West Indies), PhD (Uni London) FRCPsych

Professor Thomas Jamieson-Craig MB BS (Uni West Indies), PhD (Uni London) FRCPsych

  • Supervisors

Emeritus Professor of Social Psychiatry

Research subject areas

  • Mental Health
  • Psychiatry

Contact details


Post-graduate training in psychiatry in Nottingham UK and later as research fellow at Bedford College (London) and the Maudsley hospital. My first senior clinical academic post was with the United Medical & Dental Schools of Guys and St Thomas Hospitals later incorporated within King’s College London where I was appointed as professor in 1990. I also worked clinically as a consultant psychiatrist in the South London and Maudsley Foundation Trust since that time.  I was the President of the World Association of Social Psychiatry 2013-16. My main areas of expertise are in health service development and evaluation including psychosocial interventions for psychosis.  I retired in 2016 but continue an active research interest specifically focused on AVATAR therapy – a psychological treatment for auditory verbal hallucinations.


Research Interests

  • Social causation of common mental disorders and psychosis
  • Services for psychoses (early intervention, rehabilitation, social care, employment, housing, psychosocial therapies)


  • Rehabilitation Psychiatry (Social and Community Mental Health MSc )
  • Social Psychiatry (MSc in Global Mental Health
  • Measuring stressful experiences (lecture in the Clinical Neuropsychiatry MSc)

Expertise and Public Engagement

  • Panel member NICE : Rehabilitation for adults with complex psychosis
  • Former president and advisor World Association of Social Psychiatry