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Yu-Tzu Wu

Dr Yu-Tzu Wu

Research Associate


I joined King’s College London in 2018 as a Research Associate for the Ageing Trajectories of Health: Longitudinal Opportunities and Synergies (ATHLOS) project. My main task is to investigate trajectories of health in the ageing process and identify potential risk factors related to these trajectories. I am an epidemiologist with research interests in environment and ageing and have been working with several ageing cohorts in UK. I completed my PhD in Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge.  

Research Interests

  • Quantitative research in ageing
  • Environmental determinants of healthy ageing
  • Mental and cognitive health in older age

Expertise and Public Engagement

Article for the Conversation: Despite the headlines, dementia epidemic may not actually be getting worse (Wu Y-T, Brayne C, 2015).

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