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Zoe Evans


Zoe Evans is a PhD student in the Department of Informatics.

PhD supervision

Principal supervisor: Dr Martim Brandao
Second supervisor: TBC


ARTICLE Graph Equations
Reasoning and Planning

The group focuses on the fundamental AI challenge of creating, representing and reasoning.


King's roboticists win big at major European robotics competition

A team from the Department of Informatics won ‘Best Team’ at the European Robotics League’s Milton Keynes Smart City competition and appeared on BBC's One Show



ARTICLE Graph Equations
Reasoning and Planning

The group focuses on the fundamental AI challenge of creating, representing and reasoning.


King's roboticists win big at major European robotics competition

A team from the Department of Informatics won ‘Best Team’ at the European Robotics League’s Milton Keynes Smart City competition and appeared on BBC's One Show
