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Induction and Support

There are a range of resources and sources of support available to External Examiners at King's. The main point of contact will be the programme team. In addition, the Chair of the Assessment Sub-Board will provide support relating to regulatory matters.

College induction

On appointment and through the course of the academic year External Examiner's are sent the following information to assist them with their role:

Local induction

Assessment Sub-Boards will supply External Examiners with the following documents and the Assessment Sub-Board Chair will also provide information on local arrangements:

  • Programme specifications
  • Assessment schemes
  • Appropriate course materials
  • Draft examination papers
  • List of coursework title or coursework subject areas
  • Programme handbooks

Assessment policies and processes

The web pages include detailed information for Assessment Boards, as well as information about the College marking framework and award classifications.

Questions concerning assessment policy should be sent to