Clinical Innovation and Best Practice
Connaught Hospital is Sierra Leone’s principal adult referral hospital. The hospital provides medical and surgical services; treatment for HIV/AIDS, TB and Leprosy; ophthalmology; physiotherapy; oral health; and an outpatient department for emergency care. As the main teaching hospital, it plays a key role in training Sierra Leone’s doctors and nurses.
King's Global Health Partnerships supports Connaught Hospital to deliver high quality care, mentoring local staff to lead on clinical research and quality improvement projects, and supports the development of national clinical policies.

Improving malaria management at Connaught Hospital
Malaria is endemic in Sierra Leone and one of the leading causes of death in the country. In 2016, according to the World Health Organisation, there were over 2,000,000 cases and 7,000 deaths. With funding from Comic Relief, a multidisciplinary team of doctors, lab technicians and researchers have worked across a range of areas in the hospital with the goal of improving patient care and fever management. Over the last 3 years we’ve trained doctors and nurses on testing and treating malaria. We’ve helped the laboratory and pharmacy to develop new processes, so testing is high quality and treatment is always available. And we’ve helped patients know their rights. With this multi-disciplinary approach, we’ve helped patients get high quality treatment fast – giving them the best chance of survival.