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Our vision is to CONNECT a global community of nursing and *allied professional cardiac surgery (including cardiothoracic and aortovascular surgery) researchers. Through CONNECT we foster and support international cardiac surgery research to address global cardiac surgery challenges.


Globally, more than a million patients undergo cardiac surgery each year. Nursing and allied professional teams are constant in the patient experience. As a key component of the cardiac surgical workforce, we can reduce variability, disparity and inequity in patient access and outcomes.

Within nursing and the allied professions there is an overall international shortfall of academic and clinical academics specialising in cardiac surgery research. This undoubtedly affects the ability of the professions to advance and improve healthcare delivery, and patient outcomes and experience. To expand research opportunities and grow nursing and allied professional clinical academic and academic cardiac surgery researchers engaging in international collaborative research, we aim to provide a robust virtual research environment with appropriate mentorship and support. This is necessary to develop new interventions to prevent, identify, manage and reduce complications related to all stages of cardiac surgery.

CONNECT, established by Prof Julie Sanders (UK), Prof Suzanne Fredericks (Canada), Prof Rochelle Wynne (Australia) and Dr Geraldine Martorella (USA), is a network of nursing and allied professional researchers focused on strengthening collaborative cardiac surgery research through shared initiatives including supervision, mentorship, workplace exchange programs and multi-site clinical research.

Become a member

If you are a nurse or allied professional involved in cardiac surgery research and are interested in joining CONNECT please submit the attached CONNECT online membership form.

Three photographs of CONNECT

Our Partners

Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing Logo

Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing

Logo for Deakin University and Western Health and the Institute for Health Transformation

Deakin University and Western Health

Logo for Florida State University

Florida State University


Group leads

Contact us

For general enquires, or suggestions for website content, please contact: Professor Julie Sanders: