The Cybersecurity (CYS) group studies design, modelling, analysis, verification and testing of networks and systems in order to tackle cybersecurity and privacy problems that are important to industry, society and everyone living in a technologically dependent world.
Our research is both theoretical and applied, and includes:
(i) AI and machine learning for cybersecurity and privacy
(ii) formal and automated approaches for verification and testing of cybersecurity and privacy
(iii) provenance, trust, transparency, explainability, usability and human factors in cybersecurity and privacy
(iv) systems security
(v) AI security, transparency, ethics and privacy
(vi) cybercrime forensics and statistics.
Numerous applications include network security solutions, malware, socio-technical systems, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, social networks, autonomous systems, e-health.
CYS is part of the cross-departmental King's Cybersecurity Centre (an EPSRC-NCSC Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research) and also collaborates with government and law-enforcement agencies.