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The efficient generation, storage and delivery of energy underlies many activities in our society. At the same time, the energy landscape is changing, and our researchers are working to deliver the energy system of the future.

This research theme focuses on the different ways in which our research is furthering this aim, which includes the following research groups:

Multi-Purpose Energy Systems

Energy is a fundamental element that sustains our society, meeting both basic and modern human needs. Our group develops energy and storage technologies for multiple needs (e.g., electricity, heat and transport), evaluating their impact on the transitions of both energy and non-energy infrastructure to net-zero, while ensuring social and economic benefits.

Sustainability Research Lab 

Power Systems

The electrical power grid allows the delivery of electricity from energy sources to the end users. The integration of new technologies is posing unprecedented challenges to the way power systems operate. Our researchers are tackling questions related to power quality, stability and energy forecasting.

SPRINT Research Lab 

Power Electronics and motor drives

Power electronics and motor drives (PEMD) research lab’s research interests include renewable generation, electric vehicles, design & control of electric powertrain for robotics, smart energy conversion systems for more electric ship/aircrafts and non-destructive test technology for power semiconductor package.

Energy Storage

Energy storage technologies such as batteries and fuel cells as well as mechanical and thermal energy storage systems play a crucial role in our decarbonisation efforts of the energy and transportation sectors. Our research groups develop innovative sustainable and resilient energy storage systems and assess their environmental and economic impacts from a life cycle perspective.


The Superconducting Technology + Cryogenics Research Group, covers a broad range of aspects of applied superconductivity, primarily focused on solving technical challenges related to high-field magnets, superconducting electric machines and other superconducting power applications. The group brings together state-of-the-art materials and applied research, from fundamental materials science to numerical modelling to application design/testing.