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Following a rigorous round of reviewing, the College Teaching Fund Panel selected 19 projects for funding in the 23/24 academic year, from a total of 40 applications that were submitted. Each CTF application was scored thoroughly by two members of staff from the College and two students with oversight from the CTF fund Chair. Around 20 students from across all Faculties supported the reviewing process and will continue to collaborate with us on the project supporting applicants at various timepoints in the year. An impressive diversity of applications from across all Faculties was received, and eight of our nine faculties as well as King’s Foundations are represented in projects that have been awarded
Population Health expertise from across King's
Launched in 2020, the Race Equity & Inclusive Education Fund (REIEF) has awarded a total of £100,000 per academic year to activity addressing racial inequalities and embedding inclusive education across King’s
Showcasing researcher biographies and research group profiles to funding...
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