King's College London is part of a number of Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and Doctoral Training Centres (DTCs), either as a member of a consortium with other institutions or as the main host for the centre.
These are supported by the UK Research Councils, in order to provide studentship funding for PhD study as well as to provide structured training programmes that include research skills and enhancing employability. DTPs and DTCs also offer their funded postgraduate researchers the chance to be part of a cohort of students and common research community.
The funding provided by these centres is primarily for those registered as Home/EU students. However, some limited funding for international students may be available. Prospective students should read carefully the eligibility requirements for funding before applying.
To find out more about the training provided by DTPs and DTCs and the Centre for Doctoral Studies click the link at the right of this page.
Doctoral Training Centres & Partnerships at King's
King's is the host for a number of Doctoral Training Centres which provide Research-Council funding, studentships, and training for PGR students at King's. King's is also a member of a number of multi-institutional Doctoral Training Partnerships.
To find information on the latest opportunities, funding, and training offered by these centres, explore the quick find menu on the right.
London Arts & Humanities Partnership (LAHP)
The London Arts and Humanities Partnership is an AHRC-funded doctoral training partnership supporting PhD studies in arts & humanities. LAHP brings together three global leading UK Research Organisations: Kings College, London (King’s),University College London (UCL), the School of Advanced Study, University of London (SAS).
Click here for further information & to apply for an LAHP PhD studentship
London Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Doctoral Training Centre (LISS-DTP)
The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded London Interdisciplinary Social Science DTP (LISS DTP), led by King’s College London, in partnership with Imperial College London and Queen Mary University of London, provides social science research students with a unique opportunity to join and develop a research community that springs from the interface between the social science disciplines with health and medicine, the natural and physical sciences, engineering, and the arts and humanities. The LISS DTP provides studentships in the social sciences, allowing students to work with some of the world’s leading experts in areas that include 1) health, well-being and social inclusion 2) economics and business 3) language, culture and education 4) the environment and urban life and 5) security and governance organised into 13 Thematic Pathways.
Click here for further information & to apply for a LISS-DTP studentship
Medical Research Council Doctoral Training Partnership (MRC-DTP)
Located in the heart of London, King’s College London and our associated NHS partner hospitals provide a vibrant and globally renowned biomedical research community. Our integrated and multi-disciplinary approach to medical research offers a wealth of cutting edge training opportunities in fundamental discovery science, translational research and experimental medicine. Our students undertake projects drawn from across all our Health Faculties in areas as diverse as: structural biology, stem cells, cancer, HIV/AIDS, mental health, population genetics and bioinformatics, therapeutic development, as well as interventional clinical trials. The cohort-focused philosophy of our programme ensures that our graduates experience the full diversity of our scientific endeavour, learn how to collaborate, communicate and think creatively, and leave King’s equipped to tackle key biomedical challenges in a rapidly changing world.
Click here for further information & to apply for an MRC-DTP studentship
King's Health Sciences Doctoral Training Centre
The HSDTC provides training and development for the 1,700+ doctoral research students in the four Health Faculties at King’s College London, irrespective of funding stream. The HSDTC: is structured around seven interdisciplinary research themes; delivers a bespoke programme of training in research methods and skills, communication and impact, and careers and employability; encourages collaboration and cohort building across the Health Faculties, via funding opportunities, networking events, a buddy scheme, and more. All doctoral research students in the Health Faculties at King's are automatically registered with the HSDTC, and receive a monthly newsletter which highlights upcoming workshops, events, and other opportunities.
London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Biosciences (LiDO)
The London Interdisciplinary Biosciences Consortium is one of the largest BBSRC funded Doctoral Training Partnerships in the UK. Representing an exciting collaboration between six of London's world-class universities and specialist institutions, the consortium provides students with a unique opportunity to pursue innovative interdisciplinary research projects in the heart of one of the world's most vibrant cities. This 4-year programme is aimed at graduates with a strong interest in multi-disciplinary research. We invite applications from highly motivated students from a wide range of academic backgrounds including biological, biomedical, veterinary, physical, computational, engineering or mathematical disciplines.
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Data-Driven Health (DRIVE-Health)
The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Data-Driven Health (DRIVE-Health) leads the formation of the next generation of health data scientists - a crucial component in the drive towards sustainable, equitable global healthcare. Co-created with over fifty partnerships with NHS, patients, health tech and pharma, DRIVE-Health will train at least 85 doctoral students and equip them with the practical knowledge and skills needed to navigate the intersection of healthcare, data science, and technology.
There is a rapidly growing demand for experts who can harness the power of data to advance healthcare delivery and improve population health. The interdisciplinary programs provided by DRIVE-Health will ultimately lead to better healthcare outcomes for individuals and communities across the full breadth of socio-demographic groupings, and drive innovation and adoption in global patient care and population health.
Click here for further information & how to apply for an EPSRC DRIVE-Health studentship.
Medical Imaging Centre for Doctoral Training (ICDT)
The Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Imaging provides a comprehensive interdisciplinary PhD programme in Medical Imaging, specifically designed to meet the challenges in healthcare and medical imaging. King's College London and Imperial College London, two world leading research-focused universities, collaborate to create an interdisciplinary training approach specifically designed to provide a unique PhD experience. The Centre builds on strong existing collaborations between King's and Imperial, including substantial joint grant funding, joint publications and current joint supervision. The CDT is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
Click here for further information & to apply for a ICDT studentship
Cross-Disciplinary Approaches To Non-Equilibrium Systems Centre for Doctoral Training (CANES)
The mission of CANES is to train future research leaders in the understanding, control and design of systems far from equilibrium, based on rigorous training in theoretical modelling, simulation and data-driven analysis, and a breadth of awareness of common themes across disciplines. Additionally, CANES functions as a UK Centre of Excellence for the research and research user community, and a national and international hub in the area of non-equilibrium systems. The CANES training programme consists of a first year combining taught courses and research projects, leading to the award of an MSc. In years two to four, leading to a PhD, the programme will include open question sandpits, master classes, journal clubs and an annual retreat. Students will also be able to undertake internships at a broad range of industrial and international academic partners.
Click here for further information & to apply for a CANES studentship
London School of Geometry & Number Theory (LSGNT)
The LSGNT is made up of 53 mathematicians in three London Universities, with interests in different aspects of number theory, geometry and topology. We already work together in many ways, which include research collaborations and joint seminars and working groups. The training that we offer as the LSGNT differs from a traditional UK PhD in pure mathematics in a number of respects, and is closer to the US graduate school model (though you will not have to do anything like as much teaching as a typical US graduate TA). In the first year, we offer a broad mathematical training, with an emphasis on topics in geometry and number theory. We also establish an ethos of working and learning together in a friendly and supportive environment. Towards the end of the first year, you will have to agree on projects and supervisors and before the start of year 2, enrol at an agreed College out of the three: UCL, King's and Imperial. The collaborative spirit established in the first year will be maintained by a number of mechanisms including cross-College supervision teams, junior seminars and working groups. Students are encouraged to organise other activities, such as an LSGNT colloquium, an annual retreat and an annual conference. We expect to recruit students with a wide variety of mathematical backgrounds: some will already have clear ideas about a research project and the necessary knowledge to start right away, while others will not yet have decided where their interests lie. The first-year training will be flexible enough to accommodate and support everyone in the transition from undergraduate to research-level mathematics.
Click here for further information & to apply for a LSGNT studentship
London NERC Doctoral Training Partnership (NERC-DTP)
The London NERC DTP is a partnership of nine prestigious research organisations across London, funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). Our aim is to attain new standards of excellence in environmental science research training, and deliver a transformative inter-disciplinary experience for PhD students in the heart of London. We currently fund 142 PhD students in the natural sciences. Our students are trained at World-leading research centres, which cover a the breadth of environmental science research, from those driven by contemporary environmental challenges to those exploring complex questions about the evolution of planet Earth. Our PhD programme is focussed on eight key research themes: Biodiversity & Ecology, Earth, Atmosphere & Ocean Processes, Environmental Pollution, Evolution & Adaptation, Natural & Biological Hazards, Past Life & Environments, Solid Earth Dynamics and Pan-disciplinary research.
Click here for further information & to apply for a NERC studentship
Wellcome Trust 4-Year PhD Programme: Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine
The goal of this programme is to train a new generation of researchers in regenerative medicine. PhD supervisors have been selected across departments from King’s campuses, for their expertise in core areas of relevance to regenerative medicine. Collectively, the supervisors provide knowledge in diseases of unmet clinical need, in innate and adaptive immunity, in organ transplantation and clinical trials of cell and gene therapies. Supervisors also have scientific expertise in relevant models of endogenous tissue repair, and knowledge of bioengineering, disease modelling, drug screens and cell tracking in patients. Students of this programme will address these questions with access to King’s world class resources such as the Nikon Imaging Centre, Wellcome Trust – EPSRC Centre of Excellence in Medical Engineering and the MRC Centre for Transplantation. This programme will equip students to further translate science into regenerative medicine so that they graduate with excellent career prospects.
Click here for further information & to apply for a studentship