LITAID: Decolonization, Appropriation and the Materials of Literature in Africa and its Diaspora

LITAID (Decolonization, Appropriation and the Materials of Literature in Africa and its Diaspora) is a five-year research project that addresses fundamental questions about the materials of literature and how these are appropriated from one literary culture for another. It does this by examining literary decolonization in Africa and its diaspora from the 1940s to the 1960s. It focuses especially on arts education and cultural production in Ghana, considering their transnational dimensions from the perspective of local artists and institutions as well as a range of travellers who came seeking decolonial resources for their own communities.
This project was selected by the European Research Council under its Horizon Europe Consolidator Grant scheme, and is funded by the UKRI, as a Frontier Research Grant.
Principal Investigator
Funding Body: UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
Amount: £1,681,164.90
Period: January 2024 - January 2029