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Arts & Culture

Mosaic Samples

A mosaic sample

These mosaics were made during a series of mosaic masterclasses, led by Dr Will Wootton, which took place in 2017, 2019 and 2022.

This was a collaboration between King’s and a group of professional mosaicists, exploring the intersection between ancient and modern techniques, sharing knowledge and improving skills.

We made a series of mosaics of different sizes and in different materials, offering places to anyone who was interested, whether artist, academic or student. These small mosaics were made using a range of stone, ceramic and glass tesserae laid into mortar beds some comprising lime and others modern cements.

The events culminated in the installation of a large mosaic in a replica Roman villa at Butser Ancient Farm during the summer of 2022.


The Department of Classics combines specialists in ancient languages, literature, history, philosophy, archaeology and art. We are committed to championing the breadth and diversity of our discipline as well as its relevance to the present.

The objects displayed are just one example of the interconnections between our teaching and research as well as the  wider impacts. Similar projects can be found within the department clustering around themes as diverse as accessibility in museums, the art market and the politics of repatriation, contemporary art and the Classics, conflict resolution, cultural heritage protection in conflict zones, international adoption, opera and antiquity, and religious persecution. 


This exhibit can currently be found in The Curiosity Cabinet at 171 Strand - supported by King's Culture and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

To find out more about the Cabinet and other objects on display, click here.

Project status: Ongoing