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NIHR King's College London (Mental Health and Neuroscience) Research Support Service

The NIHR King’s College London (Mental Health & Neuroscience) Research Support Service (RSS) is a national centre of excellence for research methodology in psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience. This collaborative partnership builds upon an existing community of methodologists, service users and clinical experts, capitalising on the sharing of expert skillsets in order to attract, train and retain the next generation of mental health researchers to ensure the long-term sustainability of the mental health research pipeline.

The NIHR King’s College London (Mental Health & Neuroscience) RSS aims to help researchers improve people’s lives by understanding how to prevent mental health difficulties and by finding new and better treatments through use of efficient research studies, and advocating advanced methodology where appropriate. We offer this support to all researchers across the country, and we build up the skills in other research groups by offering training and placements.

Our specific objectives are:

  • To develop an accessible service for researchers seeking funding
  • To advance the methodology needed to conduct better research
  • To support researchers to gain confidence and skills for their career development
  • To support clinicians by raising their profile and supporting their research idea
  • To help investigators who are already funded to deliver on their study objectives Statisticians, health economists, qualitative researchers, delivery and management staff, and clinicians in psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience and primary care are involved in our RSS.

Together with our colleagues in our institutions and NHS Trusts, we can cover the breadth of research that is needed to provide a comprehensive service in mental health.

The NIHR King’s College London (Mental Health & Neuroscience) Research Support Service (RSS) is funded by NIHR Research Support Service.

Project status: Ongoing
