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This Master's in Contemporary Literature, Culture and Theory invites students to explore a range of topics and texts from 1945 to the present across two required and two optional modules. The first core module considers the intersection of literature, culture, and theory by focusing on changing the aesthetic and political value accorded to representation throughout each decade since 1945. The second core module focuses on literature and new areas of theory after 1999. Alongside these modules, students take a year-long module on research and writing skills in preparation for the final dissertation. You’ll also get to choose two optional modules to tailor your specialism before you produce your large-scale research project.
Graduates of this Contemporary Literature, Culture and Theory MA have transferred the skills they’ve developed to careers in teaching, journalism, cultural arts and management, or the legal and financial sectors.
Since this contemporary literature, culture, and theory master’s provides an excellent introduction to what will be required for a doctorate, some students also pursue further research after graduation.
Graduates of this Contemporary Literature, Culture and Theory MA have transferred the skills they’ve developed to careers in teaching, journalism, cultural arts and management, or the legal and financial sectors.
Since this contemporary literature, culture, and theory master’s provides an excellent introduction to what will be required for a doctorate, some students also pursue further research after graduation.
For more information regarding this MA, please contact the course convenor using the details below:
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