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Western University

About the Institution

Western University is located London (Ontario, Canada), a vibrant, well-connected city about 2 hours from Toronto and 3 hours from Detroit, Michigan. The campus, built on a former golf course, is extremely green and leafy whilst located centrally in the city. Western University is not only one of the top universities in Canada but also consistently rated the 'best student experience' in the country. The University has a popular sports culture, with many of the sports (in particular football, hockey and cheerleading) attended by the wider community and followed nationally. Western has a very active student community, with numerous clubs and societies to join and a true sense of university pride.

Estimated living costs

Estimated living costs have been suggested by the university,but actual expenses may vary depending on student lifestyle. The cost of travel to and from the country is not included in these estimates.

Western University
Western University, built on a former golf course, is extremely green and leafy whilst located centrally in the city of London (Ontario, Canada)

College wide partner
North America