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Key information

Study mode:
Full time
Part time
Denmark Hill Campus
Three years FT; six years PT. Registration is carried out at three points in the year: October, February and June

One of Europe’s leading research centres

We are one of the most productive addictions research groups in Europe. In the 2013 Rand Europe analysis of influential research from UK universities, Substance Abuse Research at the National Addiction Centre was identified as leading the field, contributing 13% of all Highly-Cited Publications over a 10-year period (2002-2011). We represent one of the chosen areas of important health-related study as the newly created Addictions Clinical Academic Group (CAG) within King’s Health Partners, and form one of the core areas of the Academic Health Science Centre that brings together university partners King’s College London with the NHS from South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, King’s College Hospital, and Guy’s and St Thomas’. Substance Use Disorders is one of the main themes of the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health which is based at the Institute of Psychiatry, , Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN).

Forty years of research excellence
The emphasis of our research is on ‘what works’ in the prevention and treatment of substance-related problems: the NAC represents a network of clinicians, researchers and clinical teachers who have a shared commitment to excellence in prevention and treatment work, and to supporting and strengthening national and international endeavours in this field. Over the last 40 years, the NAC has developed a body of research evidence that has informed the evidence base for the UK treatment system and the development of new treatment services for alcohol, smoking and drug problems. This work ranges from trials of new therapies and preventative treatments to studies seeking to understand the genetic and biological basis of addictive behaviour.

We work closely with the Addictions Directorate of South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) to improve understanding of addiction to drugs, alcohol and tobacco, and to develop effective preventative and treatment interventions. Much of this research is carried out with the help of people with addictions who have been referred for treatment to services run by SLaM’s Addictions Directorate and is partly supported by the charity Action on Addiction, the only independent UK research charity dedicated to seeking new ways to prevent and treat nicotine, alcohol and drug abuse.

Annual research income
Approximately 1.7 million.

Number of staff and students
75 academic and research staff.

Recent publications and projects

A list of recent publications and projects can be viewed on the Department of Addictions webpage.

Partner organisations

South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

King’s College Hospital

Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital

Key Benefits

    • Access to excellence in both applied research and development
    • Interaction with internationally recognised researchers in a wide range of addiction related topics
    • Demonstrated excellence in qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods and trial research methods
    • Strong partnerships with South London and the Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
    • Access to rich and varied clinical populations
    • Access to a wide range of educational resources and training within the department and at the King's level through the Researcher Development Programme

UK Tuition Fees 2024/25

Full time tuition fees: £7,950 per year

Part time tuition fees: £3,975 per year

International Tuition Fees 2024/25

Full time tuition fees: £30,240 per year

Part time tuition fees: £15,120 per year

UK Tuition Fees 2025/26

Full time tuition fees: £8,500 per year

Part time tuition fees: £4,250 per year

International Tuition Fees 2025/26

Full time tuition fees: £32,400 per year

Part time tuition fees: £16,200 per year

These tuition fees may be subject to additional increases in subsequent years of study, in line with King's terms and conditions.

Base campus

Main building at the Denmark Hill campus
Denmark Hill Campus

Home to the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

The emphasis of our research is on ‘what works’ in the prevention and treatment of substance-related problems: the NAC represents a network of clinicians, researchers and clinical teachers who have a shared commitment to excellence in prevention and treatment work, and to supporting and strengthening national and international endeavours in this field.

Over the last 40 years, the NAC has developed a body of research evidence that has informed the evidence base for the UK treatment system and development of new treatment services for alcohol, smoking and drug problems. This work ranges from trials of new therapies and preventative treatments to studies seeking to understand the genetic and biological basis of addictive behaviour.

PhD projects are available in areas related to the development and evaluation of new treatments for alcohol, smoking and drug problems and includes studies seeking to understand the underlying psychological and biological bases and change processes of addictive behaviours, as well as policy-driven and workforce development projects and treatment trials.

Professor John Strang who heads the Department is one of the UK’s leading experts in addiction and one of only six Addiction Research scientists outside North America who is listed on Highly Cited Researchers webpage.

Course study environment

Graduate research students work closely with their supervisors and enjoy regular meetings to discuss their progress. They also liaise with other members of staff with relevant research interests and are encouraged to attend and participate in departmental research presentations and other Institute seminars. There is a full induction for new graduate students on commencing their studies. Each full-time graduate research student is allocated their own workspace at the National Addiction Centre; facilities for part-time students can be arranged according to their needs.

Postgraduate training

Training courses run by the department, the Institute or through the Graduate School can be utilised as required to provide training in a wide variety of topics, from transferable skills to academic areas directly relevant to the student's thesis. King's runs an outstanding Researcher Development Programme which is designed to meet the individual training needs of research students. The programme has been developed to ensure we produce the most qualified, experienced and employable researchers.

Head of group/division

Professor John Marsden

Contact for information

Education Support Team:

Admissions Tutor: Professor Gail Gilchrist-

Contact email


UK Tuition Fees 2024/25

Full time tuition fees: £7,950 per year

Part time tuition fees: £3,975 per year

International Tuition Fees 2024/25

Full time tuition fees: £30,240 per year

Part time tuition fees: £15,120 per year

UK Tuition Fees 2025/26

Full time tuition fees: £8,500 per year

Part time tuition fees: £4,250 per year

International Tuition Fees 2025/26

Full time tuition fees: £32,400 per year

Part time tuition fees: £16,200 per year

These tuition fees may be subject to additional increases in subsequent years of study, in line with King's terms and conditions.

Base campus

Main building at the Denmark Hill campus
Denmark Hill Campus

Home to the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

The emphasis of our research is on ‘what works’ in the prevention and treatment of substance-related problems: the NAC represents a network of clinicians, researchers and clinical teachers who have a shared commitment to excellence in prevention and treatment work, and to supporting and strengthening national and international endeavours in this field.

Over the last 40 years, the NAC has developed a body of research evidence that has informed the evidence base for the UK treatment system and development of new treatment services for alcohol, smoking and drug problems. This work ranges from trials of new therapies and preventative treatments to studies seeking to understand the genetic and biological basis of addictive behaviour.

PhD projects are available in areas related to the development and evaluation of new treatments for alcohol, smoking and drug problems and includes studies seeking to understand the underlying psychological and biological bases and change processes of addictive behaviours, as well as policy-driven and workforce development projects and treatment trials.

Professor John Strang who heads the Department is one of the UK’s leading experts in addiction and one of only six Addiction Research scientists outside North America who is listed on Highly Cited Researchers webpage.

Course study environment

Graduate research students work closely with their supervisors and enjoy regular meetings to discuss their progress. They also liaise with other members of staff with relevant research interests and are encouraged to attend and participate in departmental research presentations and other Institute seminars. There is a full induction for new graduate students on commencing their studies. Each full-time graduate research student is allocated their own workspace at the National Addiction Centre; facilities for part-time students can be arranged according to their needs.

Postgraduate training

Training courses run by the department, the Institute or through the Graduate School can be utilised as required to provide training in a wide variety of topics, from transferable skills to academic areas directly relevant to the student's thesis. King's runs an outstanding Researcher Development Programme which is designed to meet the individual training needs of research students. The programme has been developed to ensure we produce the most qualified, experienced and employable researchers.

Head of group/division

Professor John Marsden

Contact for information

Education Support Team:

Admissions Tutor: Professor Gail Gilchrist-

Contact email


Key information

Study mode:
Full time
Part time
Denmark Hill Campus
Three years FT; six years PT. Registration is carried out at three points in the year: October, February and June

Contact us

Education Support Team (general enquiries) Admissions Tutor: Professor Gail Gilchrist