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Speaker: Dr David Martin Jones

Respondent: Prof. Michael Rainsborough

Chair: Dr Flavia Gasbarri

Dr David Martin Jones examines the progressive ideas behind liberal Western practice since the end of the twentieth century, at home and abroad. This mentality, he argues, took an excessively long view of the future and a short view of the past, abandoning politics in favour of ideas, and failing to address or understand rejection of liberal norms by non-Western ‘others’. He explores the inevitable consequences of this liberal hubris: political and economic confusion, with the chaotic results we have seen. Finally, he advocates a return to more sceptical political thinking— with prudent statecraft abroad, and defence of political order at home—in order to rescue the West from its widely advertised demise.

The event respondent will be Michael Rainsborough, Professor of Strategic Theory in the Department of War Studies, King's College London, with the discussion chaired by Dr Flavia Gasbarri, Lecturer in War Studies Education, King's College London.


Dr David Martin Jones is Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Queensland, and Visiting Professor in War Studies, King’s College London. His works include Sacred Violence: Political Religion in a Secular Age. He is a contributor to The Daily Telegraph, War on the Rocks, The Australian and The Spectator (Australia).

At this event

Flavia Gasbarri

Senior Lecturer in War Studies Education