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Please note: this event has passed

Dr Laura Hughes will be hosting a workshop at the Brighton and Hove Ageing Well Conference. This year’s theme is ‘Age of Wisdom’, and Laura will facilitate a workshop titled ‘Fighting the silver ceiling: the contributions of older people in the workforce and beyond’. Laura will present findings from her qualitative research that is part of the SAACY programme, focusing on discussions about the impacts of working and retirement in older age. She will present the different aspects of working and retirement that are important to older people such as the benefits of intergenerational working and connections, ageism in the workplace, the changing of roles in retirement, life experience benefits, and what retirement and older age mean to people.

During the workshop, there will be interactive group discussions about these different aspects of retirement and working. We will also discuss ways of improving working lives of older adults, including how to change perceptions of the older workforce. Participants are encouraged to provide their own input and voice their opinions on the topics discussed.

For more information about the conference and to register to attend see the Ageing Well website.