Please note: this event has passed
The Department of Mathematics is hosting a series of colloquia, open for all to attend.
On 30 November 2023 from 15:30-16:30, Slava Rychkov from IHES, France, will give a talk on 'Conformal Field Theory of the 3D Ising Model'. The talk will be held in person and streamed via Microsoft Teams. The location for the in-person event is S-3.18, Strand Building, Strand Campus, King's College London.
A drinks reception in the Small Committee Room (K0.31) will take place after the talk.
Speaker: Slava Rychkov
Title: Conformal Field Theory of the 3D Ising Model
Abstract: The two-dimensional Ising model was solved exactly as a lattice model at any temperature (Onsager, 1941) or as a conformal field theory at the critical temperature (Belavin, Polyakov, Zamolodchikov, 1984). On the other hand, the three-dimensional Ising model has so far resisted all attempts at the exact solution as a lattice model, although renormalization group methods (Wilson, 1971) have been successful at providing approximate understanding at T=T_c. Recently, conformal field theory methods ("conformal bootstrap") have been shown to provide a very accurate description of the 3D Ising model at the critical temperature. I will review these successes, which offer a tantalizing hope that the 3D Ising model may after all be exactly solvable.
About the Speaker: Slava Rychkov graduated at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1996 and obtained his PhD at Princeton University in 2002. He worked at the Université of Amsterdam, Scuola Superiore di Pisa, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris), CERN, Ecole Normale de Paris, and is now permanent Professor at IHES (France). He won several prestigious scientific prizes. His research interests include conformal and quantum field theory, the conformal bootstrap and the renormalization group, both perturbative and nonperturbative (e.g. tensor network renormalization).
This talk will take place in person at King's College London and will be streamed online via Microsoft Teams. Please click 'Register for this event' to sign up for either an In-Person Ticket or an Online Ticket. If you wish to attend the in-person event, you must select the correct ticket type.
Future colloquia
Please check our event series for details of upcoming speakers.
Event details
S-3.18Strand Building
Strand Campus, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS