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Please note: this event has passed

Support King's Climate & Sustainability in planting over 200 trees at the New Malden Sports Ground!

Planting these 200 trees will help improve flora and fauna biodiversity across our sports grounds and help achieve key targets within the King's Biodiversity Action Plan.

The 200 trees will be comprised of hedgerows. Hedgerows are hugely important for cleaning our air, capturing carbon, reducing flooding and providing an essential refuge for wildlife.

Please make sure to wear sensible clothing including sturdy, closed toe shoes, wear lots of warm layers and bring a waterproof. Please also bring gloves if you wish to wear these during the tree planting - as we may not be able to provide any.

The Climate & Sustainability Team will provide be providing some gardening equipment, such as shovels and watering cans. If you have any gardening equipment, in particular small shovels, please do bring them.

You can sign up on King's Volunteering platform to get recognition and rewards for this event.


Venue information

More information on the venue

Accessibility maps and details for the sports ground

Click here to watch a video on 'How to plant a tree' beforehand!

Event details

King's Sports Ground, Windsor Avenue, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 5HA
New Malden Sports Ground
King's Sports Ground, Windsor Avenue, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 5HA