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04 August 2022

2022 Surgical & Interventional Engineering Summer School

The 5-day summer school, held at the Surgical and Interventional Engineering laboratories, involved postgraduate students and research professionals from around the world.

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The 5-day summer school, held at the Surgical & Interventional Engineering (SIE) laboratories, involved postgraduate students and research professionals from around the world.

Organised by Dr Christos Bergeles, Dr Wenfeng Xia and Dr Rachel Sparks, over 20 participants were mentored to undertake projects in robotics, neurosurgical and ophthalmic procedures, and ultrasound imaging for surgical guidance.

This was in addition to over 20 lectures including improved Needle Tracking for Advanced Ultrasound-Guided Anaesthesia Delivery, From Bench to Bedside – Quality Management, Computational hyperspectral imaging for data-driven real-time surgical guidance, Inflatable Soft Robotics and Surgical Imaging and Biophotonics.

The Surgical & Interventional Engineering Summer School is about sharing the latest research in surgical and interventional engineering here at the School but also around the world. We want to showcase the fantastic collaborations we have and encourage even more. Thanks to all facilitators and participants for making this event such a success.

Dr Wenfeng Xia, Senior Lecturer, Department of Surgical & Intervention Engineering at the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences

The Summer School is designed to educate post-graduate research (PGR) students and research professionals on both technical and clinical advances in surgical and interventional engineering.

It allows participants to interact with scientists from the international community and to engage with world renowned experts in a diverse range of topics.

Students in the summer school worked on student projects assisted by our amazing research students and staff in our state-of-the-art facilities to gain hands on experience with some of the equipment we use in SIE for our research. Overall, the summer school is a great opportunity to learn a bit about the theoretical and hands on work going on in SIE and our larger research network.

Dr Rachel Sparks, Lecturer, Surgical & Interventional Engineering
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Surgical & Interventional Engineering is an integral part of endeavours to achieve cognitive sensor-guided robotically assisted surgery. SIE encompasses interventional planning making use of AI and computational modelling, and the development of miniature surgical tools and imaging instrumentation for safe and effective navigation and manipulation.

SIE research aims to optimise surgery and intervention for timely, personalised, and cost-effective therapies in the operating theatre of the future.

The operating theatre of the future will interconnect classical medical imaging and navigation technology with novel molecular-level imaging sensors and dexterous actuators on a high-speed network bus to leverage interoperability, off-site computational capabilities, and BigData streams thereby delivering AI-based intraoperative decision support and surgical assistance.

This was the first time we were able to deliver the Summer School exactly as we intended: on-site, in our new facilities, and with participants from around the world. We are looking forward to producing an even more engaging experience in the years to come.

Dr Christos Bergeles, Reader, Surgical Robotics

In this story

Christos  Bergeles

Professor of Surgical Robotics

Rachel Sparks

Lecturer in Surgical Planning

Wenfeng  Xia

Senior Lecturer and School Lead (International)