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25 March 2019

Art | Philosophy exhibition showcases artists in residence at King's

The Art | Philosophy: Migration, Meaning, Time exhibition displayed in the Arcade at Bush House, showcased work by four artists in residence at the Centre for Philosophy and the Visual Arts (CPVA) at King's.

Becky Brewis
Becky Brewis

The CPVA residencies enable artists and academics in the Department of Philosophy to work closely together, bringing unique approaches and methodologies to some of today’s central philosophical questions.

Art | Philosophy: Migration, Meaning, Time opened on 26 February with a launch event and panel discussion with the artists, discussing the themes of the exhibition and their work. The event was attended by over 60 people, with many leaving positive feedback, including a King’s student saying that the exhibition and talk had inspired them to write a paper for their course.


Visitor watching Becky Brewis' video 'Drawing From Memory'

Visitor watching Drawing From Memory by Becky Brewis

Becky Brewis and Ben Cain worked with Dr Christopher Hamilton, Reader in Philosophy, on the search for meaning, exploring issues of autobiography, memory and interactions between self, others and objects. 

Jort van der Laan worked with Dr Sarah Fine, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at King's, on the ethics of migration, looking particularly at airports and how people are monitored, searched and divided into nationalities and classes.

Ted Hunt worked with Professor Matthew Soteriou, Chair in Philosophy of Mind, on the nature of time, looking into the differences between how time is valued and how it's chosen to be occupied. 

Art | Philosophy was visited by nearly 650 visitors, over 50% of whom were King’s students. The exhibition was also supported by a gallery team of King's students and recent graduates who actively engaged with visitors and gathered feedback about their experience. Recent visitors have said that the exhibition made them think more ‘critically’ about their surroundings, that it changed their ‘perception’ of philosophy and art and inspired them to be more creative.

As part of the exhibition programme, dance artists Tick Tock Bridget hosted Rejoining Jane in the Arcade on 12 March, a live performance event using dance, music and theatre to transform the space into a storytelling café. Tick Tock Bridget took attendees on a journey in and out of reality, swapping between the factual and the fictitious to celebrate everyday stories shared in a collective environment.

Art | Philosophy: Migration, Meaning, Time, 26 February – 22 March 2019.



Art | Philosophy was a collaboration between King’s College London’s Department of Philosophy and Kunsthuis SYB. It was supported by the university’s Culture team and the Arts and Humanities Research Institute.  

In this story

Sacha  Golob

Professor of Philosophy