17 October 2023
Artificial intelligence in the biosciences network
A BBSRC-funded network to support and enhance engagement between the Bioscience and AI communities in the UK.

King's College London and their collaborators have announced the start of the AIBIO-UK network. The BBSRC-funded network aims to support and enhance engagement between the Bioscience and AI communities in the UK. The network will support community events, funding of pilot projects and creation of resources for supporting use of AI in the biosciences. The group will shortly launch a website and mailing list where all those interested will be able to keep up to date about network activities and find opportunities for collaboration, training and pilot grants.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are used in wide-ranging applications, from self-driving cars to language translation. Recent AI applications to the biosciences have been promising (e.g. deep learning systems for the prediction of protein structure), but efforts have been sparse and uncoordinated, and limited to groups/companies with specific expertise. The vision of the AI Bioscience Network is to bring together AI and core bioscience researchers to unravel biological fundamentals and tackle impeding societal challenges. The network will be the “go to” place for resources at the interface between AI and the biosciences.
The network will be holding a launch event on 11th January 2024 in Birmingham – with options to attend both in-person and online.
Sign up to attend here: https://aibio.ac.uk/kick-off-event/
The purpose of the meeting is to overview the plan for the network and to start building a community who can together run events and create and share resources to support the network. https://aibio.ac.uk/kick-off-event/
Management of the network is coordinated between collaborators at the University of Nottingham (Andrew French), Quadram Institute Bioscience (Dipali Singh), University of Manchester (Patrick Cai) , University of Bristol (Lucia Marucci), University of Aberdeen (Georgios Leontidis), King's College London (Robert Knight) and Aberystwyth University (Reyer Zwiggelaar).
If you are interested in learning more please email Kings_AIBioscience@kcl.ac.uk to be signed up to the mailing list.
Robert Knight (FoDOCS) is the AIBIO-UK network lead at King’s and is setting up an Artificial Intelligence in the Biosciences network to synergise with actions by AIBIO-UKAnyone interested in learning more can email Kings_AIBioscience@kcl.ac.uk to be signed up to the mailing list.