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31 March 2022

Comparative histories of the development of social work across the Commonwealth

Unit Director Jill Manthorpe spoke at a major international event on social work in the Commonwealth

St Marylebone Workhouse-780

Today was the first day of the online international conference arranged with the Institute of Commonwealth Studies and our Unit with British and Barbadian Associations of Social Work, and the Social Work History Network and Univ of Edinburgh. The first of the two day conference today's sessions included speakers from New Zealand, Australia, India, Canada, Malaysia and the UK. Prof Jill Manthorpe from the Unit was invited to join the final panel discussion and spoke of the importance of keeping many forms of evidence, data and experience future historians and the profession. Over 100 people attended from across the globe. The event Comparative Histories of the Development of Social work across the Commonwealth Conference continues tomorrow.

See the Bulletin of the Social Work History Network SPECIAL ISSUE and this recording of the event.

Header image: People queuing at S. Marylebone workhouse circa 1900 (Wellcome Collection)

In this story

Jill Manthorpe

Professor Emerita of Social Work