15 July 2021
King's Sport wins Digital Engagement Award at BUCS Awards 2021
King's Sport
King’s Sport wins Digital Engagement Award at BUCS Awards 2021
King’s Sport took home the Digital Engagement Award last night at the BUCS Awards 2021 ceremony, winning against notable nominees such as Loughborough University, University of Nottingham, and University College London.
This national award recognises King’s Sport for delivering innovative digital programmes to the King’s Community.
The programmes recognised for this win include the King’s Move app, a free platform for the King’s community that allows them to earn points when they track their physical activity. In turn, points can then be exchanged for rewards such as coffees, King’s merchandise, and online discounts.
The second programme recognised is the Department Energisers which host short wellbeing boosting activities during departmental meetings. Types of sessions the Energisers cover include, seated stretches, mindful movements, pulse raisers and meditation. Over 130 sessions have been delivered to 60 departments and received a feedback score of 9.5/10.
Lastly the award acknowledges the Move Your Mind programme, which consists of physical activity classes online, exclusive events and a one to one coaching programme.
Winning this award further recognises King’s Sport ambition to make a tangible difference to the health and wellbeing of King’s Community. Further supporting the King’s 2029 Strategic Vision to create an inclusive environment and take a holistic approach for all King’s Sport services.