22 April 2021
Dr Tamsin Edwards on BBC's 39 Ways to Save the Planet
Department of Geography's Dr Tamsin Edwards is currently appearing on the BBC's 39 Ways to Save the Planet, discussing effective climate action projects across the globe.

In the face of burgeoning conversations around effective climate action, the second series of the BBC’s 39 Ways to Save the Planet takes a look into fresh ways to protect the Earth from the effects of climate change.
In conversation with Tom Heap, Dr Tamsin Edwards, of our Department of Geography, discusses and analysis a variety of vital areas that offer potential for tackling climate change, such as exploring clean energy and decarbonisation through wind-turbine repairing robots, carbon storage in seagrass and peat bogs, and legal battles to enforce environmental law. Their conversations “chart the route to a cooler world one idea at a time”, looking at ideas and action across multiple levels and sectors.
Dr Edwards is currently also appearing in the BBC’s documentary series “Greta Thunberg: A Year to Save the World”, where she describes the effect climate change is having on both global sea levels and the polar regions.
Listen to all available episodes here.