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29 August 2019

Exploring the experiences of migrant women survivors through performance

Professor Cathy McIlwaine's new collaboration with playwright Gaël Le Cornec gives voice to migrant women who have experienced gender-based violence.

Gaël Le Cornec  performs
Photo by Lyanne Wylde

Drawing on the report, The Right to Be Believed (McIlwaine, Granada and Valenzuela-Oblitas, 2019), the artistic collaboration with actor, playwright and director, Gaël Le Cornec, seeks to explore the experiences of migrant women survivors through a voice installation and performance. 

The aim is to explore the barriers that women face when trying to report gender-based violence when they fear their perpetrators, the police and the social services and when they are repeatedly refused support from everyone except specialist migrant organisations.

This collaboration is one of the first Artist in Residencies of the VEM, a hub for methodological innovation which aims to bring social science research into conversation with the arts.

Photos by Lyanne Wylde

In this story

Cathy McIlwaine

Vice Dean (Research), Faculty of Social Sciences and Public Policy