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05 February 2021

Julian Ghosh QC joins King's as Visiting Professor

The renowned tax law barrister joins The Dickson Poon School of Law.

Headshot of Julian Ghosh, Visiting Professor at the Law School
Visiting Professor Julian Ghosh QC

Julian Ghosh QC will be teaching on the Law Of Personal Taxation course as part of the LLM.

He is a practising QC in tax law in both England & Wales and Scotland. This puts him in a unique position, as fewer than 10 individuals have been appointed QC in both jurisdictions over 500 years.

Ghosh is a Judge of the First-Tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) and a Deputy Judge of the Upper Tribunal. He represents both taxpayers and HMRC, and has been instructed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He takes part in tribunals at all of the higher courts of England and Scotland and, until this year, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).

He has also been called as an expert witness in US litigation in New York and Minnesota and has written extensively on UK, EU and International tax law. He is currently a barrister at One Essex Court.

At the University of Cambridge, Ghosh is Bye-Fellow at Peterhouse and Preceptor at Corpus Christi. He was a Senior Fellow at the International Tax Centre, University of Leiden from 2005-19.

“I am so delighted that Prof Ghosh will be contributing to the teaching of taxation law, which has a long and distinguished history at King's. His seniority in the field, eloquence as public lecturer, long history in legal education, and keenness to share the excitement of taxation law with our students all combine to make this a wonderful moment for The Dickson Poon School of Law."

Ann Mumford, Professor of Taxation Law,

In this story

Ann Mumford

Professor of Taxation Law