We are delighted to have been awarded this Doctoral Scholarship Training programme by the Leverhulme Trust. This new Doctoral Training Programme on mechanobiology will capitalise on a research field where King’s glows, and will provide the students with a unique, modern and interdisciplinary training provided by internationally leading supervisors at King’s.
Professor Sergi Garcia-Manyes
22 November 2021
King's awarded multi-disciplinary Mechanobiology doctoral training scheme by Leverhulme Trust
The Mechanics of Life Doctoral Scholarship Programme will draw on King’s research expertise in mechanobiology

With the aim of training future research leaders to tackle key questions in biology from a distinctly mechanical perspective, the Leverhulme Trust-funded programme consolidates King’s interdisciplinary research strengths across the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, and Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences.
Research carried out by doctoral students will be enhanced by the establishment of a wider international partnership between King’s, the Mechanobiology Institute (MBI) at the National University of Singapore, and the Physics of Living Systems Graduate Research Network (PoLS GRN) of the US National Science Foundation (NSF).
The programme was celebrated at a launch event, bringing together investigators and students from across King’s.
The event was opened by Professor David Richards, Vice Dean of Research, Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences, who spoke about the importance of interdisciplinary research at King's and how the programme builds on the rich history Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin.
Professor Sergi Garcia-Manyes, Director of the programme, spoke about the fundamentals of mechanobiology and how the programme will train researchers to work confidently and seamlessly across the Physical Sciences-Biology interface to revolutionise the life sciences with breakthrough understanding, disruptive technologies and ambitious innovation.
Owen Harrison and Ludovica Guetta, students from the first cohort of the programme, spoke on why they chose to pursue mechanobiology and their hopes for their projects.
Professor Malcolm Irving closed proceedings by presenting a fascinating talk on the mechanobiology of muscles.