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07 June 2022

King's launches new volunteering platform for students and staff

The new platform will make it easier to find volunteering opportunities with charities and community organisations.

King's Volunteering

We are launching King’s Volunteering, a new and exciting service for King’s students and staff to discover volunteering opportunities with charities and community organisations that are driving positive change.

From one-off events to regular volunteering opportunities, there will be something on the platform for everyone. Whether it is the environment, education or mental health, King’s Volunteering will connect students and staff with organisations and causes that are important to them, with more opportunities being added as the platform grows.

Volunteers from the King's community

Celebrating our community of volunteers

Over Volunteers’ Week 2022 (1-7 June), we shared the stories of some of our fantastic students, staff and alumni who give their time to help charities and community organisations through volunteering.

Discover their volunteering stories:

  • King’s students, staff and alumni contributed thousands of volunteering hours to our local, national and international communities for King’s Global Day of Service in March 2022.
  • Lai Ha Diamond, Business Support Manager for King’s Community Business Services, brought King’s staff together through workshops to turn crisp packets into survival blankets. 
  • Medical student Chid Nwandwo Soriano took part in four different volunteering events for King’s Global Day of Service 2022.
  • King’s Business School Lecturer Dr Anna Rebmann started an initiative to protect a nature site in her local area.
  • Campus Technical Manager Peter Bishai shares how he draws on his skills to train the NBA superstars of the future as a basketball coach.
  • King’s alumni and current Student Engagement Officer (Lifecyle) Rosanna McNamara used craftivism to support trans youth.
  • Biomedical Science student Zaynab Hussain collaborated with other students and the Sustainability Team to map out the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in the King’s curriculum.
  • School Education Manager Rosanna McCurrie supported potential victims of modern slavery as a First Responder with the Salvation Army.
  • Revd Sarah Farrow, who is Vice Dean and Chaplain of the Waterloo & St Thomas’ Campuses, worked to empower women through her King’s Civic Challenge project with charity Housing for Women.

It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, but just doing something good for someone else can make a huge difference to them.

LaiHa Diamond, Business Support Manager for King’s Community Business Services

We all have our reasons to volunteer, whether it is advocating for a social issue, gaining new skills, improving our wellbeing or meeting new people. King’s Volunteering will make it easier for students and staff to find opportunities that match their interests.

Visit the King’s Volunteering webpages and sign up to King’s Volunteering to connect, discover and make a difference.

Volunteering is just part of my outlook of how to live with people – by extending helping hands, because you never know which side of the hand you’re going to be.

Revd Sarah Farrow, Vice Dean and Chaplain to the St Thomas’ & Waterloo Campuses

King's Volunteering

Discover volunteering opportunities

King’s Volunteering is your one-stop shop for discovering opportunities and building connections with organisations that are driving positive change in our local, national and international communities.

Sign up to connect with charities and organisations, discover opportunities and make a difference.

Become a community partner

If you are an organisation with a clear social mission and are looking for volunteers to enhance the impact of your work, join King’s Volunteering and share your opportunities on our new platform.

Visit our Community Organisations page for more information.

Share your volunteering story and inspire others to give back

Do you have a volunteering story to share, or a question about volunteering? Contact the King’s Volunteering team at

Let us know how you’re making a difference by tagging @ServiceAtKing’s on Twitter and Instagram, and by using the hashtags #ServiceAtKings #KingsVolunteering #WeAreKings.