The biggest challenge is the lack of women in the field. It feels a bit uncomfortable to be attending a conference or lecture where almost more than 90% people are male. Although I have had some really nice friendships with my male colleagues but I still miss the female companionship and ease to talk.
Ragini Singhal
09 October 2022
King's women in maths: Ragini Singhal
Ragini Singhal interview

Who are you and what is your area of research?
I am Ragini Singhal, a research associate in the Department of Mathematics. I am working with Professor Simon Salamon and my research area is differential geometry, gauge theory, algebraic structures.
What is the best thing about mathematics?
In my opinion, UNIVERSALITY. I really like how universal this language is. There is no subjective approach to mathematics. If I can correctly prove and explain something everyone has to agree with it.
What do you think is holding women back from pursuing a career/degree in maths field?
Years and years of social mindset that maths is not for women (I have even heard people saying very casually that women are not good in maths!). When you hear something for so long it somehow gets rooted in you and I have seen how much women undermine their intelligence and achievements due to this reason. Imposter syndrome is much more prevalent in my female peers than male
What advice would you give to someone considering studying maths?
It is a difficult field like any other and one can only succeed if they are really passionate about the subject. So only take up higher education in mathematics if it really interests you.
What do you do in your spare time?
I am really fond of sketching, painting and creating henna patterns on hand. So I like to that in my spare time. I also like to sit beside the Thames and relax.