10 July 2017
Lecturer receives Supervisory Excellence Award
Dr Rivka Isaacson from the Department of Chemistry, has been awarded the King’s Supervisory Excellence Award for the Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences. The Supervisory Excellence Awards are designed to recognise and reward supervisors for the outstanding supervision and support that they offer to doctoral students at King’s College London.

Nominations for the awards are invited from postgraduate research students (including recent graduates), Heads of Departments, Heads of Graduate Studies and Deans of Faculties.
The Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences Postgraduate Research Student Committee selected Dr Isaacson from nominations received from Postgraduate Research students.
Dr Isaacson makes it clear that maintaining good practice as a supervisor and being flexible in new situations is something that she works hard to ensure. In response to the question of what she considers to be best practice in supervision and how her own practices reflect this, Dr Isaacson explained: “My supervisory style is constantly evolving as a function of experience and I imagine this will be a never-ending process. That said, I strive to implement best practice in supervision which, to me, includes several points.
"I feel the most important part, beyond choosing the Ph.D. candidate very carefully in the first instance, is to be regularly in touch with each student. It is crucial that, in addition to the group meetings at which lab members present and discuss their results, time is set aside for one-to-one meetings with each student so that I am aware of their hopes, dreams and fears and am alerted early on if any trouble is brewing.
"I aim to give my students some freedom in directing the course of their own research, while keeping tabs on their progress. I enthusiastically support their attendance of training courses in new techniques and conferences at which they can present their research and network for their future careers. I hope to perpetuate their enthusiasm about science, nurture any latent outreach or communication ambitions and help them plan their next steps for when they graduate.”
The support for Dr Isaacson is echoed by the Faculty: “As can be seen in the student nominations received, Dr Isaacson is regarded as a very supportive and caring supervisor and it is clear from talking to other students, both within her group and across the Department of Chemistry, she is popular and always ready to provide advice and guidance.
"Dr Isaacson works hard to promote the development and career progression of her students, from encouraging their attendance at conferences, workshops and networking opportunities, to acknowledging every contribution of her team in publications and research that makes everyone feel valued and part of the team.”
The Faculty would like to wish Dr Isaacson many congratulations on receiving this award.