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20 October 2021

Open call for photography votes

Voting is open to King's staff and students in the photography competition to mark the launch of the Political Ecology, Biology and Ecosystem Services group.

Field of yellow flowers

Call For Votes: now open to King's staff & students

We are pleased to announce that voting is now open for entries in the photography competition exploring nature, to celebrate the launch of the Political Ecology, Biology and Ecosystem Services research group.

KCL students and staff have sent in photos around the theme of “a place or thing that makes you feel connected to nature”.

All students and staff across King’s are welcome to vote for their favourite photograph. The deadline for voting is 13:00 on 16 November

The winner, who will be chosen by popular vote, will be announced at the panel event Are protected areas the future of conservation? on Wednesday 17 November. The first prize is a voucher worth £50, and two runners up will each receive a voucher worth £20.