"This is a nice and rich paper postulating the form of large deviations for the amount of conserved charges transferred in time from the left half to the right half of a 1D system in a Maximal Entropy State (MES)."
Annales Henri Poincaré
27 July 2022
Professor Benjamin Doyon awarded Annales Henri Poincaré Prize 2020
Each year a prize founded by Birkhäuser is awarded for the most remarkable paper published in the journal Annales Henri Poincaré. The winners of the AHP prize are selected by the Editorial Board, and the selected papers are freely accessible online for one year.

The Annales Henri Poincaré Prize 2020 was awarded to Professor Benjamin Doyon and Dr Jason Myers for their paper Fluctuations in Ballistic Transport from Euler Hydrodynamics.
The paper was written by Benjamin Doyon (King's Department of Mathematics) and his PhD student Jason Myers. Jason's PhD, which he completed in 2019, was part of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Non-Equilibrium Systems (CANES); Prof Doyon was the principal supervisor, with Dr M. Joe Bhaseen (King's Department of Physics) and Dr Rosemary Harris (Math, QMUL) as co-supervisors.
The paper proposed the large deviation theory for non-equilibrium charge transfer over long times in one-dimensional systems, based on a hydrodynamic description. The idea was to find universal principles guiding non-equilibrium physics at large scales. This provided the general mathematical theory behind the results found in another collaboration that Jason co-authored with his supervisors. The theory has by now been confirmed in exact model calculations and is finding applications in various contexts.
Jason Myers is now a successful Data Scientist at ING.
The paper will be presented in a special session of the next International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP) to be held in Strasbourg in 2024. A small ceremony will be organized on this occasion.