Under the current restrictions, we are now spending almost all of our time in our homes, finding ourselves in an environment we might not have chosen and with limited options to change it.
How do we respond to this? How will our new environment affect how we see the world? What will we learn? Can we find ways to make it serve us, nourish us, even inspire us? Does this enforced stillness open our eyes to things we might not have seen – the birdsong without the buzz of traffic, the tree across the street, the stars shining more brightly through cleaner skies?
These are some of questions that our Faculty will be asking through a series of online activities organised by The Exchange with researchers and artists, all inviting us to re-imagine our individual environments as a collective.
The Exchange exists to connect people through creative research and artistic practices, to forge new ways of seeing, knowing and experiencing themes which concern our society.
Planned activities include: tree making at home with artist Izzy Parker; 30 second Research Bites with live sketch-noting by community artist Jenny Leonard; live video Q&As with King’s experts; and a co-created online collection of your stories, photos and thoughts via Instagram.
You can follow activities and share your photos via instagram on @exchangespacekcl , – look for #reimagineyourenvironment – on the SSPP Twitter and SSPP Youtube account. Events will also be posted on the King’s Website as the 'Re-imagine your Environment' event series.