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15 December 2023

School DDI Committee presented with award for videos on microaggressions

The School of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine and Sciences (SCMMS) Development, Diversity and Inclusion (DDI) Committee has won a prestigious award for its work in highlighting microaggressions in and out of the lab.

BPS prizegiving 2023

The British Pharmacology Society Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Prize for 2023 was presented to the School Development, Diversity & Inclusion (DDI) Committee for its work on microaggressions.

At December's prizegiving ceremony, the committee was recognised for its work making two short videos. One of these explored general microaggressions, and the other covered the tricky topic of microaggressions that can occur in the laboratory. The award was presented to Professor Susan Brain (School DDI Lead) and members of the sub-committee (Dr Vasco Claro, Professor James Clark and Dr Dola Akanmu), with two further members of the sub-committee (Dr Fulye Argunhan and Ms Jessica Morris) unable to make it on the day.