We were excited to present the Revitalize project for National Engineering Day. The refreshing conversations we had at a truly unique “underground” setting motivated us to keep creating public-facing activities and making our research findings as openly available as possible.
Dr Christos Bergeles, Professor of Surgical Robots at the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences
07 December 2023
School showcases surgical micro-robots for National Engineering Day
Professor Christos Bergeles and his team from the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences presented their Revitalize project for a National Engineering Day event, hosted by the Royal Academy of Engineering. The Revitalize project is a decade-long collaboration between KCL, UCL, and Moorfields Eye Hospital.

Since 2019, the Royal Academy of Engineering has led a national awareness day to raise public awareness of how engineers make a difference in the world and celebrate how engineers shape the future. As part of the celebrations this year, Professor Bergeles and his team were invited to exhibit their work at the Academy’s Innovation Late.

In an evening of inspiration at London’s Leake Street graffiti tunnels, visitors were invited to experience the future of robotics engineering. More than 350 attendees had the opportunity to interact with elements of the School’s ‘Hospital of the Future’ through Professor Bergeles’ exhibit.
The Revitalize exhibit showcased how surgical performance can be improved by developing smart robotic instrumentation. This immersive experience included a hands-on activity mimicking a vitreoretinal surgical setup, a haptically enhanced simulation of surgery, and the team’s continuum micro-surgical robot termed VIPER (Versatile Intraocular Precision Enhancing Robot). Read more about Professor Bergeles' research on his project page.

Photography Credit: Layton Thompson