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19 March 2024

Strengthening knowledge and awareness in family services of domestic abuse

Mary Baginsky and Nicole Steils are co-authors of new SKAFADA study report

couple clasping hands

The Unit’s Mary Baginsky and Nicole Steils, in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Central Lancashire, conducted a rapid scoping study to explore the knowledge, skills and training needs of the Early Help and Family Support workforces in England with regard to domestic abuse. This work was funded by ‘Foundations, the national What Works Centre for Children & Families’. The team conducted an online survey in 11 local authorities, with 350 surveys included in the analysis. In addition, 46 interviews were undertaken in five case study sites and four interviews were conducted with domestic abuse training organisations. Participants were also given access to an online domestic abuse training module.

The study’s findings show that the majority of participants in the Early Help/Family Support workforces received training on domestic abuse and that they benefitted from the training. Nevertheless, there was a considerable minority who felt that more training was needed. Survey and interview findings showed some gaps and differing levels in knowledge and skills when working on domestic abuse cases.

More information about the study and the full report can be found here.

Mithran Samuel writes about the new report in Community Care (13 March 2024).

Header image taken from report front cover.

In this story

Mary Baginsky

Reader in Social Care

Nicole Steils

Research Fellow